Mystery upon mystery, players were left speechless as to who exactly is Omen. Omen hunts the enemy team with his Shrouded Step teleport, Short Distance vision blind, and Dark Cover ability, which differ a lot compared to other agent abilities. This shadow of a figure that can teleport anywhere he wants, Omen’s lore is one of the most complicated to understand out of any Valorant agent. But his real name is yet to be discovered. John, Fred, Marcus, Yohan, Dimitri, these are all names Omen took upon himself once a time.

Although many names were given to Omen in the past, his real name is still unknown as shown on the Blackmailer’s dossier. Omen’s real name has been a mystery among Valorant players for a long time. With that out of the way, let’s take a look at the teleporting shadow of Valorant’s lore Omen. There’s also the VALORANT Protocol, an organization with all of our agents and Brimstone as the boss that protects our Earth from intruders. And a parallel world called Mirror Earth has a shortage of Radianite which they steal from our world with the spike. There’s also the Kingdom corporation that uses Radianite for experiments and to power 3/4 of Earth’s power supply. Radianite gave every upcoming agent the ability to damage and defeat enemies with their powers. Some basic Riot Games Valorant lore: in 2039 appeared an event called the First Light that gave our Earth the resource called Radianite.